New Uduino version 3.0! Explore the features.

This section showcase examples and tutorials for Uduino. Every tutorial is a step-by-step explanation and easy enough for beginners with Unity.

To use Uduino at its full potential, you will also find more advanced tutorials.

Uduino Quick Start Guide


A simple step-by-step guide that will quickly get you started with Uduino. Including how to setup Unity 3D and Arduino.

Using the Inspector Panel

This section explains Uduino custom editor panel. It will describe the features and how to use the panel at its full potential.

Blinking LED


In this tutorial you'll learn how to make blink LED directly from Unity

Digital Read - Get a button Value


This video tutorial show you how to get the state of a button using Uduino.

Fade an LED


This video tutorial will show you how to fade an LED using analogWrite command.

Read an analog value


In this tutorial you will learn how to read an analog value from Arduino and use it in real time in Unity.

Button to trigger an event

The nicest way to launch a virtual event when a user triggers a physical event of you installation.

Using a Servo


In this tutorial you'll learn how to control a servo from Unity

Advanced - Write to Arduino

Eager to optimize your code? Uduino includes some special features to communicate between Arduino and Unity and optimize your code.

Advanced - Read from Arduino


With Uduino you can read values of complex sensors that require a specific library. IThis guide can also help you optimize your code and better understand how Uduino works.

Advanced - Use Uduino with libraries


Uduino is fully compatible with other Arduino libraries. This guide shows you how to integrate them easily in your Unity projects.

Uduino advanced Optimization

How Uduino works and How to optimize it ? In this tutorial you will learn how to optimize Uduino and fix the commons issues regarding latency problems.

Message Bundle

Uduino features a message bundle system to send several commands at the exact same time.

Using an Arduino MEGA

Using an Arduino Mega requires some extra changes in Uduino settings.

Multiple Arduino boards

For some projects you will need to work with multiple Arduino boards. This example shows how to setup multiple arduino boards in your unity project.