This step-by-step guide will quickly get you started with Uduino. We will both setup Unity 3D and Arduino environment.


  1. Download Uduino from the Asset store
  2. Import it in your Unity project

Setup Uduino in your project

  1. Add the prefab Uduino to your main scene
  2. Follow the instructions

Upload the library to the board

  1. Start Arduino IDE and connect the Arduino board
  2. Upload the main code : File > Examples > Uduino > Uduino

Run your first example

  1. On Unity, open the scene BlinkLed, located under Uduino/Examples/BlinkLed
  2. Hit Play : Now you should see the built-in LED on your arduino blinking every 1 second.

Manual installation

If the automatic installation process didn't work or if you want to install Uduino manually, you can add the library manually. You also have to configure Unity's project settings.

  1. In a file explorer merge the Arduino folder from your Unity project folder (Assets/Uduino/Arduino) with your local Arduino folder. (Windows : C:\Users\Username\Documents\Arduino\, Mac: ~/Documents/Arduino/ ).
  2. Restart Arduino IDE
  3. Set the API Compatibility level to .NET 2.0 (and not .Net 2.0 Subset). This setting is located under Edit\Project settings\Player.


Uduino is part of a Namespace. Each time you will create a script communicating with the UduinoManager, you need to add the namespace.

Add using Uduino;at the top of your script !